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Night Owl Shareware (NOPV7)(Night Owl Publisher Inc.)(1992).bin
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Text File
207 lines
Ver 3.0, 24 June 1992
Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 by Jack J. Chandler
Version 3.0 is a special version designed primarily for use
after deleting extremely large numbers of individuals from the
INDIV2.DAT file. Version 3.0 is a rewrite of version 2.1
and compiled from Pascal source code. Much smaller and much
faster than earlier versions.
Version 3.0 will reclaim an unlimited number of deleted RINs
and MRINs on a single pass. It has been tested on PAF files of
over 42,000 individual records.
Version 3.0 does not report a number of deleted records until
after the process is complete. Options to list to the display
or to print is by prompt. Note that listing or printing of this
list can consume much time and a lot of printer paper. The
option to print this list to disk for later review is offered.
The option to output to the printer or list to the display is
available only if the print to disk option was previously selected.
The use of RECLAIM version 3.0 for removing records deleted by
PAFSPLIT by Ann Turner or similar program is relatively fast.
PAFSPLIT deletes RINs and MRINs in a low to high sorted order
making the time for the search for deleted records relatively
When used in conjunction with NAMCLEN and NOTECLEN, RECLAIM will
keep your PAF database pruned down to its actual record size,
eliminating the need to use GEDCOM procedures to remove these
deleted records and unused names.
RECLAIM makes a minimum of RIN number changes. The number of
changes will not be more than the total number of deleted records
you removed.
RECLAIM.EXE was originally written to overcome problems encountered
in PAF when importing records from GEDCOMs using GIE.EXE.
It was found that GIE will not access records within the PAF
database that had been deleted using the options within FR.
GIE will add its records beginning with the record following
the last physical record in the INDIV2.DAT and MARR2.DAT files.
When records are downloaded from the FamilySearch records in
a FHC there are invariably duplicate entries with only small
variations in data. The normal entry of these records using
GIE.EXE and the 'clean-up' using the FR.EXE 'Match/Merge' menu
option will create many 'holes' both in your original data
and in the added data.
If there is enough keyboard input to fill these 'holes' then
you have no problem. However, those who are downloading and
importing records with the GEDCOM utilities will find that it
is difficult to keep up.
RECLAIM.EXE will help you 'keep up' with the 'holes' created
by the GEDCOM/Match/Merge routine. The only other solution is
the creation of a new GEDCOM from your data, then importing
this back into a new database. This is very time consuming.
RECLAIM.EXE will locate and remove the deleted records from
a 5000 record database in about 2 to 4 minutes.
RECLAIM.EXE need not be run in the same directory that contains
your data. It can be run from any drive:\directory. You are
prompted for the location of your PAF data files.
You are given the option of exiting the program after a brief
discussion of what the program is going to do. If you have any
doubts, this is the time to quit and think things over. Before
you continue, you should be sure you have a good current backup
of your INDIV2.DAT and MARR2.DAT files.
To prevent accidental modification of your database, you must press
both <CONTROL> and <P> in order to proceed. Any other keys will
return you to the DOS prompt.
The program is extremely simple to use. It does all the work,
you simply sit and watch. When finished, then be sure to run a
records check with FRCHK.EXE or with the F1 option when exiting
FR.EXE prior to adding new data.
The following required keyboard inputs are explained:
1> Enter Drive:\Path\ of PAF DATA files:
Enter the complete drive and path of your data.
example C:\PAF\DATA.
If your data is not found you will be promted to
to re-enter or to exit.
RECLAIM immediately checks your data for deleted
records. If there are none listed in the free list
then the program is terminated with a message indicating
no deleted records. If you had deleted records that
were NOT in the deleted records free list, then FRCHK
would have reported that to you.
2> Enter <^P>rocede or <S>top to abort [^P/S]
Both the <CTRL> and <P> must be pressed in order
to continue from this prompt. Any other key will
return you to the prompt. <S> will abort to DOS.
3> Save your RIN/MRIN changes to disk file ? [Y/N]
If you have hard copies of your database, and want to
correct it for the changes you have made, then select
'Y'. This file will tell you the Old RIN and its new RIN
number so that corrections can be made. If these numbers
are of no significance to you then select 'N' to save about
10 seconds/1000 deleted records.
These changes are saved to an ASCII text file named
RECLAM00.TXT in the drive:\directory of your data files.
If you make another run with RECLAIM prior to erasing this
file, then RECLAIM will name the next file RECLAIM01.TXT.
If this option is selected, then the file drive:\path\name
will be reported to you at the program terminination
Before the next prompt the program runs and you are then presented
with an overall report of the changes you made. If you have elected
to save your changes to disk file, then this report will be added
to the end of your RIN/MRIN change listing in the disk file.
4> List your new RIN/MRIN numbers to the display [Y/N] ?
This prompt is not displayed if you did not select 'Y' to
the previous prompt to save your changes to disk. Selecting
'Y' here will list your Old RIN # and the New RIN # which
contains the original data. To get a hard copy of this
listing, you must use the DOS copy command with direction
to your printer.
5> List your new RIN/MRIN numbers to the printer [Y/N] ?
This prompt is :not displayaed if ou did not select 'Y' to
save your changes to disk. Selecting 'Y' here will list
your RIN/MRIN changes to hard copy, in paginated format,
followed by the brief description of your changes.
You will also encounter 'Press any key to continue...' prompts
throughout the program and listings.
RECLAIM.EXE will not correct any existing problems with your
data. If there are existing problem as reported by FRCHK.EXE
Since moving new active records into the 'holes' requires
RECLAIM.EXE to modify ALL records connected to the one being
moved, if there is a bad pointer in any of them it could perhaps
create a worse problem than already exists. Again, DO NOT RUN
if the FRCHK.EXE indicates an existing problem. If you have
one of the updated versions of PAF 2.2 then run FRCHK with the
-f option to correct any existing problems prior to running
Since there are only inputs from the keyboard indicating file
names and locations, the error traps are limited to checking
bad filenames or bad drive:\path entries. Take care in entering
these and there should be no problem.
RECLAIM.EXE first moves records from the end of your data files
into the 'holes'. An end-of-file marker (EOF) is then placed
after the last active RIN.
If you have removed a great number of deleted records, it is
advised that you use NOTECLEN.EXE and NAMCLEN1.EXE to remove
the names and notes that were associated with your INDIV2.DAT
MARR2.DAT files that were deleted. Most sources that have
RECLAM30 will also have those two files.
You are authorized to use and distribute this program without
charge as long as no charge is placed upon the transfer other
than for mailing or copying.
Distribution in or with Commercial software packages is authorized
by specific permission of the author. Contact the author for further
I hope you can use this utility to good advantage. If you find
bugs please let me know about them listing the problems you had
encountered and any error messages you received.
I can be contacted on GEnie as J.CHANDLER2 or on the FidoNet NGC
echo or GENSOFT echo.
If you find RECLAIM useful, and decide to continue using it, you
can express your appreciation by mailing a donation of $5.00 to:
Jack J. Chandler, 812 Vermillion Dr., Henderson, NV 89015